Keep Iowa Beautiful
To empower Iowans to make Iowa the cleanest and most attractive state in the nation.
Community Foundation of Johnson County
Central to the work of the Community Foundation is our ability to connect those care to those who need through our granting programs.
Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc.
The foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS, housing, human services, community development, senior citizens, minorities, economically disadvantaged people, and other areas.
Hanson (John K. & Luise V.) Foundation
The Foundation has a special interest in projects that strengthen families through arts and culture, family recreation, and youth development/education. The Foundation also has philanthropic ties to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
Leighty Foundation, The
Our mission is to carry on the Leighty family legacy of service and stewardship by leveraging our time and talents, as well as our financial resources, primarily in the areas of earth protection, education, promotion of volunteer engageme
Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine
The foundation is a local nonprofit organization created by and for the people of Muscatine and surrounding areas in Iowa.
Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
Waitt Family Foundation
The foundation believes that every child and family should have the opportunity to choose their own futures and succeed in fulfilling their dreams.
Union Pacific Foundation
The foundation supports zoos and aquariums and organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, health, youth development, human services, community development, and leadership development.
Iowa Grocery Industry Association
The Association works to promote the general welfare and prosperity of its members by providing educational opportunities, legislative support, networking opportunities, and philanthropic programs.
Maytag (Fred) Family Foundation
Giving for education, arts and culture, public affairs, social services, health, including cancer research, and aid for the handicapped.
ALCOA Foundation
The grant maker has identified the following areas of interest:
*Conservation and Sustainability;
*Global Education and Workplace Skills;
*Business and Community Partnerships;
*Safe and Healthy Children and Families;