Leighty Foundation, The

EIN: 42-1264476

Grant Information


Our mission is to carry on the Leighty family legacy of service and stewardship by leveraging our time and talents, as well as our financial resources, primarily in the areas of earth protection, education, promotion of volunteer engagement and philanthropy.

Sample grants

Iowa Methodist Medical Center, $2,000; Iowa Renewable Energy Association, $5,000; University of Northern Iowa Foundation, $400; 1,000 Friends of Iowa, $2,000.

Application info

To make initial contact, applicants are to submit a one-page letter to the Leighty Foundation including the following information: the mission of the applicant organization, the specific need(s) to be addressed, the intended outcome of the endeavor, and the size of the grant requested.

No submission deadline.

Submit application to: Nancy Waterman, Managing Director, PO Box 20993, Juneau, AK 99802.
Telephone: 907-586-1426
Email: nancy@leightyfoundation.org

For further details and guidelines, see the Leighty Foundation website.


Primary areas of interest are earth protection, promotion of volunteer engagement, promotion of philanthropy, and education. Awards are only made to IRS qualified charities.


Jane Justis, Director, President; William Leighty, Director, Treasurer; Robert Justis, Director/VP; Nancy Waterman, Director/Secretary; Jeidi Reifenstein, Director; Wayne Leighty, Director; Lisa M. Justis, Director.

Grant sizes


Date of latest financial data
Aug 2018
Total grants


(907) 586-1426
(719) 684-8380

422 Commercial St
Waterloo, IA 50701
United States