Alliant Energy Foundation

EIN: 39-1444065

Grant Information


The Alliant Energy Foundation is an independent, nonprofit philanthropic organization. The Foundation is funded solely by share owner dollars from Alliant Energy Corporation and dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities where Alliant Energy has a presence in Iowa and Wisconsin.

Sample grants

Access Ability, Mineral Point, WI, $600; Adair County Fair Association, Greenfield, IA, $400; Adams County Humane Society, Friendship, WI, $100; African American Museum of Iowa, Cedar Rapids, $316; Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown, Iowa, $500; Belmond Historical Society, Belmond, IA, $400. 

Application info


Giving for Good Grant Request: Identification of nonprofit organization applying for funding; description of project including funding details, timeline; and goals of project; description of the problem or opportunity the project is addressing. 

Through our Giving for Good Sponsorships and Impact Grants we support nonprofits and community partners in four major categories:

  1. Hunger and Housing
  2. Workforce Readiness
  3. Environmental Stewardship
  4. Diversity, Safety and Wellbeing

Giving for Good sponsorships are available throughout the year.

See the Community Giving Programs page for details on all funding programs.






Foundation officers: Aimee Davis, President; Julie Bauer, Executive Director/Secretary; Colleen Thomas, Treasurer.

Grant sizes


Date of latest financial data
Dec 2022


Contact name
Julie Bauer
Contact title
Executive Director
(866) 769-3779 or 608-458-4483

4902 N. Biltmore Lane
Suite 1000
Madison, WI 53718-2148
United States