
Siouxland Community Foundation

The Siouxland Community Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life in the greater Siouxland tri-state area by seeking charitable gifts to build permanent endowments as charitable capital for the community, providing a flexible vehicle to receive

3M Foundation

3M invests in: Academic programs in science, engineering and business, and increasing the diversity of individuals entering these fields; K-12 education -inspiring student interest and success in math, science and economics by advancing teacher excellen

Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation (GMG Foundation )

The foundation supports organizations involved with education, health care, safety, agriculture, community development, and civic engagement.

Alliant Energy Foundation

The Alliant Energy Foundation is an independent, nonprofit philanthropic organization.

Quad City Osteopathic Foundation

Scholarship awards for students majoring in osteopathy; some support for health, and medical education.

Keep Iowa Beautiful

To empower Iowans to make Iowa the cleanest and most attractive state in the nation. 

Maytag (Fred) Family Foundation

Giving for education, arts and culture, public affairs, social services, health, including cancer research, and aid for the handicapped.

Deardorf (Catherine Vincent) Charitable Foundation

We support and promote art, libraries, nature, and heritage through collaboration within Webster County, Iowa.

ALCOA Foundation

The grant maker has identified the following areas of interest:
*Conservation and Sustainability;
*Global Education and Workplace Skills;
*Business and Community Partnerships;
*Safe and Healthy Children and Families;