Private Foundation

Smith (Freda B. & William H.) Trust

Scholarship awards to graduates of Beaman, Conrad, and Liscomb school districts, IA.

Wallace Research Foundation

Giving primarily for education, the environment, and medical research.

Raccoon Valley Bank Charitable Foundation

The foundation supports organizations involved with education and community development.

Gannett Foundation

Most of Gannett's community grants target grassroots organizations in the areas of social/human services, health and mental health, benefiting the most disadvantaged people in our communities.

ITA Group Foundation

The foundation supports public libraries and organizations involved with children and youth.

Chrysalis Foundation

The mission of the Chrysalis Foundation is to build stronger futures for the women and girls of central Iowa by creating change for women and girls and changing the systems that impact them.

Hall-Perrine Foundation, Inc., The

The foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in Linn County, IA by responding to changing social, economic, and cultural needs.

Feiges (David & Beverly) Foundation

To primarily provide support to Jewish agencies and temples.

Burchfield (Daisy L.) Trust

All income dedicated to educational loans for students of Panorama Community School District for post secondary educational expenses.

Glazer (Susan J.) Foundation

Giving primarily for education and children's services.