Human services
Viking Foundation of Lincoln
Big Grove for Good
Giving back to our local community is central to our mission at Big Grove Brewery.
Polk County Community Grants
Grants are offered in three areas.
Siouxland Community Foundation
The Siouxland Community Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life in the greater Siouxland tri-state area by seeking charitable gifts to build permanent endowments as charitable capital for the community, providing a flexible vehicle to receive
ACT's Giving Program
ACT's Giving Program provides funds for qualified nonprofits across the United States for programs and projects that exemplify ACT’s mission and North Star.
3M Foundation
3M invests in: Academic programs in science, engineering and business, and increasing the diversity of individuals entering these fields; K-12 education -inspiring student interest and success in math, science and economics by advancing teacher excellen
Bechtel (Marie H.) Charitable Remainder Uni-Trust
Making grants to qualified charitable organizations and public charities.
Iowa Women's Foundation
The Iowa Women's Foundation is committed to improving the lives of Iowa's women and girls. We use research to uncover the biggest barriers to women's success as well as their greatest needs, and we invest our passion and resources accordingly.
Theisen's More For Your Community Grants
The Theisen’s More for Your Community corporate grant program annually makes grants to all Theisen’s store communities.