Koch Foundation
EIN: 42-1291856
Grant Information
Sample grants
Iowa Public Radio, $500; Scottish Rite Foundation, Des Moines, $200; Plymouth Congregational Church, Des Moines, $7325; Salvation Army, $500; Boy Scouts Mid-Iowa Council, $1000; Breath of Hope Lung Foundation, Wayzata, MN, $1000.
Application info
Applications should be addressed to: Koch Foundation, 2909 Woodland Ave. 715, Des Moines, IA 50312; Phone: 515-255-2453
Applications should include all necessary information concerning the reason for requesting the grant, loan, etc, including where to be contacted.
Submission deadline: None
Grants will be made to organizations that are exempt under section 501(C)(3) of the IRC and are not private foundations as defined in 509(A).
Betty Koch (Director)
Susan Bridgford (Director)
Grant sizes
Date of latest financial data
Jan 2018
Contact name
Betty Koch
Contact title
Grant classification
Areas of interest