Community Improvement
The Barzillai Foundation
To provide grants to charitable and religious organizations.
Scanlan Foundation
Student loans to high school graduates who are members of St. Mary Catholic Church, Rock Valley, Iowa.
Korver-Huisman Charitable Foundation
Organization's purpose is to contribute to qualified charities for charitable, literary, scientific and educational purposes in the public interest.
Security National Bank Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, education, health, youth development, and community development.
Chesterman Family Foundation
The income earned on the Foundation's assets will be used as contributions to further serve educational, charitable, cultural and religious purposes; specifically given to qualifying public charities under section 501(c)(3).
Hoover (Herbert) Foundation, Inc.
Support only for Hoover Institution, California, Boys and Girls Club, Georgia, Boys and Girls Club, Cedar Rapids, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, Iowa.
Hubbell (Fred & Charlotte) Foundation
Giving for federated giving programs, educational and scientific purposes, and the arts.
Goldman (Harry) Foundation
Human services; Jewish agencies & temples; Jewish federated giving programs.