JC Penney Company Fund, Inc.

EIN: 13-3274961

Grant Information


The fund supports organizations involved with arts and culture, education, health and welfare, cancer, disaster relief, youth development, human services, the retail industry, and civic betterment.

Sample grants

From the JCPenney Company Fund: DECA, $34,180; National Minority Supplier Development Council, $37,493; JCPenney Homestead, $15,000.

Application info

Proposals are accepted year-round. Please provide as much lead time as possible between the time of the request and the actual need for funding. The company's fiscal year runs from February 1 to January 31.

Address applications to: Misty Tippen, 6501 Legacy Drive, Plano, TX 75024
Telephone: 972-431-1001
No submission deadline.

Grant sizes


Contact name
Misty Tippen
(972) 431-1001

J.C. Penney Company Fund, Inc.
6501 Legacy Drive
Plano, TX 75024
United States