Shelter Insurance Foundation

EIN: 43-1224155

Grant Information


The foundation supports science museums and organizations involved with performing arts, health, recreation, and human services and awards college scholarships to high school seniors.

Sample grants

Agent Scholarship Awards, $559,500 Scholarship Program for Children of Agents and Employees, $75,000 Annual Scholarships-West Junior High School and Laplata High School, $10,500 University of Missouri-Columbia, $12,200; Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids, $1,000; Healthy Birth Day Inc, $10,000; Southeast Iowa Shop with a Cop Inc, $500

Application info

Application address: Teresa Magruder, Shelter Insurance Companies, 1817 W Broadway, Columbia, MO 65218

Phone: (573) 214-4508

Submission deadline: None


Grants are rewarded to states in which the Shelter Insurance Foundation has operations, the following states are restricted: 

AR, AZ, CO, Il, IA, KS, KY, LA, MO, MS, NE, NV, OH, OK, TN 


Madison Moore (President & Director)

Teresa Magruder (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Director)

Daniel Clapp (Director)

Christina Workman (Assistant treasurer & Director)

Grant sizes


Date of latest financial data
Mar 2019


Contact name
Madison M. Moore
Contact title
(573) 214-4887

1817 W. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65218
United States