Peterson (Bob & Ginny) Foundation

EIN: 91-1753779

Grant Information

Sample grants

Arnolds Park Amusement Park, Arnolds Park, Iowa, $25,000; Boys and Girls Clubs of Sioux City, Sioux City, Iowa, $5,000; Boys and Girls Home of Sioux City, $150,000; Briar Cliff University, Sioux City, Iowa, $10,000; Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, Iowa, $100,000; Camp High Hopes, Sioux City, $500; Community Foundation-Greater Des Moines, $1,000; Council on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, Sioux City, Iowa, $10,000; Goodwill of Great Plains, $5,000; Launchpad Children's Museum, $1,000; Maple Valley-Anthon Oto Community School District, Mapleton, Iowa, $5,000; Orpheum Theatre Preservation Project, Sioux City, $1,000; Sioux City Art Center, $1000; Western Iowa Tech Communtiy College, $5,000.


G Virginia Peterson, President; Mark Peterson, Sec/Treas

Grant sizes


Date of latest financial data
Dec 2018


(602) 217-2157

324 Dakota Dunes Blvd
Suite 200
Dakota Dunes, SD 57049-5391
United States