Private Foundation
Tigger and Irving Jensen Foundation
To support local religious, charitable, and civic organizations.
Hubbell-Waterman Foundation
The Hubbell-Waterman Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Quad Cities by financially supporting areas of need in culture and the arts, early childhood education (pre-K to 12) and social welfare.
Beck Memorial Trust
Support only to pre-selected organizations. Does not accept unsolicited requests for funds.
Hanson (John K. & Luise V.) Foundation
The Foundation has a special interest in projects that strengthen families through arts and culture, family recreation, and youth development/education. The Foundation also has philanthropic ties to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
Carter (Marie L. & John L.) Trust Fund f/b/o Southeast Polk Community School District
The trust fund provides scholarships for residents and graduates of Southeast Polk School District to attend Iowa colleges & universities.
Hahn (Harry Jr.) Educational Trust
To award scholarships to students graduating from Battle Creek, Iowa school district.
Wapello County Foundation
Giving for education and community service organizations.
Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
FNNB Foundation
Giving to charitable, religious, literary, educational or other worthy institutions or organizations within Iowa.
Dekko Foundation, Inc.
Support areas include the arts, early childhood development, civic responsibility, vocational exploration, and youth philanthropy. See the Our Initiatives section of the Dekko Foundation website.
Waitt Family Foundation
The foundation believes that every child and family should have the opportunity to choose their own futures and succeed in fulfilling their dreams.