Howe Foundation, The
Giving primarily for higher education, and human services.
HNI Charitable Foundation
The foundation supports organizations involved with cultural and ethnic awareness, education, health, human services, and community development.
Magnus (A. J.) Home
Grants paid directly to the facility for elderly men, age 70 and older, in Muscatine, Iowa, to provide pleasant homes and nutritious meals.
Stanley Group Charitable Foundation
The foundation supports organizations involved with education and community development.
Muscatine Health Support Foundation
Support of projects that will improve the community health and aid the growth and development of the medical care system in Muscatine County, IA.
Carver (Roy J.) Charitable Trust
Grantmaking activities of the Carver Trust focus on the broad program areas of youth, education and medical and scientific research.
Burrows Memorial Trust
Scholarships to graduates or members of the graduating class of the Wilton Community School District, who live within the boundaries of the school district.