
Wellmark Foundation

The Wellmark Foundation’s goal is to be a catalyst in bringing groups together to positively impact health within a community.

Application deadline

Spahn & Rose Lumber Company Charitable Foundation

The foundation supports hospitals and organizations involved with arts and culture, education, health, youth development, and human services.

Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation

The corporation is organized to support and improve the oral health of Iowans.

Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs: Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund

The Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund provides short-term financial relief to those in the arts, cultural and creative industries most impacted by state disaster declarations, natural disasters, and other forms of emergencies. The progr

Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Disaster Recovery Fund

To enable a coordinated response to help people in the Dubuque region most affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Foundation for Dubuque Public Schools

The Foundation for Dubuque Public Schools (formerly the Dubuque Community School District Foundation) supports student achievement by promoting investment in the Dubuque Public Schools.

Falb Family Charitable Foundation

Gives primarily to the arts and education and human services. Fields of interest include disaster, fire prevention/control, heart and circulatory diseases, secondary and higher education, children/youth, services, and art museums.

Jackson County, Community Foundation of

The foundation seeks to nurture charitable giving, enrich quality of life, and promote a sense of community.

(Formerly Maquoketa Area Community Foundation. As of 2012, an affiliate of Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque.)