
Pella Rolscreen Foundation

The Pella Rolscreen Foundation seeks to contribute to the civic, cultural, educational, social and physical environment in which Pella Corporation team members reside through gifts to active, nonprofit, charitable organizations whose purpose coincides w

The Herbert Hoover Foundation Inc.

We believe a strong sense of community, inspired students, human health, thriving economies, and a balanced environment are inextricably linked, and our passionate team seeks solutions to sustain the planet and support happy and healthy populations.

Giacoletto Foundation (John P & Lawrence J)

The Foundation carries on the Giacoletto brothers’ devotion to education, as well as their interest in the technical and cultural aspects of life.

Lee Endowment Foundation

Support for community development, higher education, health and social services, and for scholarships to individuals for postsecondary education.

Omaha Community Foundation

The purpose of the Omaha Community Foundation is to coordinate informed, effective and innovative giving that inspires positive change within our communities.

Pearson (Allison Everett) Foundation

Giving primarily to educational and religious organizations.

Pella Community Foundation

​Our basic purpose is to ​preserve the heritage and enhance the quality of life for the people of Pella by helping to transfer funds from the hands of people who wish to help others to nonprofit organizations that can do it most effi

Hanson (John K. & Luise V.) Foundation

The Foundation has a special interest in projects that strengthen families through arts and culture, family recreation, and youth development/education. The Foundation also has philanthropic ties to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

Moline Foundation, The

Founded in 1953, the Moline Foundation is a community-based, non-profit organization which provides grants to health, human services, education, community development, the arts, and other charitable organizations which benefit the citizens of Moline and