
Ascendium Education Group

Ascendium Education Group is the nation’s largest federal student loan guarantor, a leading postsecondary education philanthropy and a provider of student success services for postsecondary institutions.

Keokuk Area Community Foundation

The Foundation receives charitable gifts from donors to establish permanents endowments for southeast Iowa, western Illinois, and northeast Missouri.

Polk County Community Grants

Grants are offered in three areas. 

Siouxland Community Foundation

The Siouxland Community Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life in the greater Siouxland tri-state area by seeking charitable gifts to build permanent endowments as charitable capital for the community, providing a flexible vehicle to receive

ACT Corporate Giving Program

ACT's Giving Committee awards qualified nonprofits across the United States for projects that best match ACT’s mission and are aligned with one (or more) of six pillars: Community Betterment; Cultural and Artistic Enrichment; Disaster Relief; Diver

Application deadline

3M Foundation

3M invests in: Academic programs in science, engineering and business, and increasing the diversity of individuals entering these fields; K-12 education -inspiring student interest and success in math, science and economics by advancing teacher excellen

Bechtel (Marie H.) Charitable Remainder Uni-Trust

Making grants to qualified charitable organizations and public charities.

Andrews (Leah) Scholarship Trust

The charitable purpose of this trust is to grant scholarships for educational purposes.

Duggan (Cornelius) Scholarship Trust

Provides scholarships only to Sioux City, Iowa, graduates attending a private Iowa college.

Iowa Women's Foundation

The Iowa Women's Foundation is committed to improving the lives of Iowa's women and girls. We use research to uncover the biggest barriers to women's success as well as their greatest needs, and we invest our passion and resources accordingly.