Whirlpool Foundation
EIN: 38-6077342
Grant Information
Among other programs, the foundation maintains a scholarship program to provide financial assistance to certain children of the employees of Whirlpool Corporation.
Sample grants
Amana Community Fireworks, Inc., $300; Amana Heritage Society, $350; Boy Scouts of America-Hawkeye Area Council, Cedar Rapids, $1250; Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association, $50; Iowa Public Radio, Des Moines, $100; Iowa Public Television, Johnston, $435; Iowa Valley Resource Conservation & Development, Amana, $80; Sons & Daughters Scholarships to individual students ranging from $1000 to $6000.
D. Jeffrey Noel, President; David A. Binkley, Vice President; Carlos Carvalho, Treasurer; Sara Horvath, Secretary.
Grant sizes
Date of latest financial data
Dec 2017
Contact name
Candice Garman
Grant classification
Areas of interest