Vermeer Charitable Foundation, Inc.

EIN: 42-1087640

Grant Information


The foundation supports projects designed to bring honor and praise to God. Special emphasis is directed toward projects designed to promote the quality of life for Vermeer employees and communities; inspire Vermeer employees to use their skills and resources; and utilize Vermeer products and expertise.

Sample grants

Civic Center of Greater Des Moines, $9,000; Calvin College, $100,000; Calvin Theological Seminary, $50,000; Central College, $151,000; Christian Reformed World Missions, $10,000; Dordt College, $100,000; Fuller Theological Seminary, $47,000; Indian Hills Community College, $30,000.

Application info

April and November


Dale Andringa, Director; Derek Dehaan, Director; Robert Vermeer, President/Director; Lois Vermee, Director; Chad Quist, Treas/Director; David Vermeer, Director; Allison Van Wyngarden, Director; Tricia Vermeer, Sec/Director; Mary Andringa, Director

Grant sizes


Date of latest financial data
Jan 2018
Total grants


(641) 628-3141

c/o Vermeer Manufacturing Co.
1210 Vermeer Rd. E.
Pella, IA 50219
United States