Schildberg Foundation
Grant Information
Adair County Health & Fitness, Greenfield, $5,000; Adair County Historical Society, $2,000; Adair County Volunteer Fire Department, Adair, $5,000; Adair County Memorial Hospital, $5,000; Carson Volunteer Fire & Rescue, $5,000; Cass County Conservation Board, $1,000; City of Malvern, $3,000; City of Osceola, $5,000; Clarke County Conservation Board, $1,000; Clarke County Hospital, $5,000; Creston Park & Recreation, $5,000; Greenfield Public Library, $1,000; Griswold Youth Sports, $1,000; Iowa Aviation Museum, $1,000; Lucky Paws of Madison County, $5,000; Yes Mentoring Program, Red Oak, $1,000.
Only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds.
Mark Schildberg, President; Kathy Hellebuyck, Vice President; Marlene Schildberg, Secretary/Treasurer