Fairfax State Savings Bank Charitable Trust
EIN: 42-1356335
Grant Information
Primarily supports organizations involved with health, education, and human services.
Sample grants
American Red Cross, $2,000; Willis Dady Shelter, $3,000; Mercy Medical Center Foundation, $5,000; Prairie School Foundation, $6,000; Waypoint, Cedar Rapids, $2,000; Iowa College Foundation, $2,000; Father Flanagan's Boys Town, Boys Town, Nebraska.
No grants to individuals. Unsolicited proposals not accepted.
Geographic Area: All of Iowa
Limited to: Giving primarily in Cedar Rapids, IA
David Neuhaus
William E. Boland, Jr.
Grant sizes
Total assets
Date of latest financial data
Jul 2009
Total grants
Contact title
c/o Fairfax State Savings Bank