Private Foundation

Conagra Brands Foundation

The mission of the ConAgra Foods Foundation is to improve the quality of life in communities where ConAgra Foods employees work and live.

Hoover (Herbert) Foundation, Inc.

Support only for Hoover Institution, California, Boys and Girls Club, Georgia, Boys and Girls Club, Cedar Rapids, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, Iowa.

Hubbell (Fred & Charlotte) Foundation

Giving for federated giving programs, educational and scientific purposes, and the arts.

Benedict Foundation for Independent Schools

Support is given to independent secondary schools that have been members of the National Association of Independent Schools for ten consecutive years.

Murray Trust

Scholarhips to graduates of Central Lyon High School in Rock Rapids, IA

Verizon Foundation

Our funding priorities are STEM education for K-12 youth and domestic violence education and prevention for youth, women and older adults.

Goldman (Harry) Foundation

Human services; Jewish agencies & temples; Jewish federated giving programs.

Fisher Governor Foundation

Limited to support of the Fisher Community Center of Marshalltown, Iowa.

Gilchrist Foundation

Giving primarily for the arts, environmental protection and conservation, animal/wildlife welfare, and children, youth, and social services.

Kuyper (Peter H. and E. Lucille Gaass) Foundation

Charitable contributions include: the arts, education, Christian agencies, and health.