Wellmark Foundation
The Wellmark Foundation’s goal is to be a catalyst in bringing groups together to positively impact health within a community.
Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation
The corporation is organized to support and improve the oral health of Iowans.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs: Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund
The Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund provides short-term financial relief to those in the arts, cultural and creative industries most impacted by state disaster declarations, natural disasters, and other forms of emergencies. The progr
Eike (John) Orphanage Trust Foundation
Organization was established to assist orphans. Pursuant to court order, the organization distributes funds to public charities and governmental entities and subdivisions to assist and benefit children.
Sinek (Joseph J.) Scholarship Trust
Scholarship awards to graduates of Pocahontas Community School, Iowa.
Elbert (Louis J.) Trust
The net earnings of the Louis J. Elbert Trust each calendar year are awarded as scholarships to the Pocahontas Area Community High School class that graduates the following year.