There are two requirements to be listed on the Register of Accountability: 

  1. Completion of six hours of documented nonprofit training per year, and
  2. Adoption of most recent Iowa Principles & Practices for Charitable Nonprofit Excellence by board resolution.
1. Completion of six hours of documented nonprofit training per year.

A total of six hours of documented nonprofit training per year is required. Organizational representatives can complete training offered through the LAWINRC or may submit documentation of other sessions for consideration. The organizational representatives completing the training must be board members or paid staff. Training may be one six-hour session or a combination of shorter sessions totaling six hours. For possible training opportunities, see the following sources:

Report completed training using the form Report Your Register of Accountability Training

2. Adoption of most recent Iowa Principles & Practices for Charitable Nonprofit Excellence by board resolution.

An Iowa charitable nonprofit can be added to the Iowa Register of Accountability after an organizational review of the Iowa Principles and Practices for Charitable Nonprofit Excellence and a board of directors resolution, adopting them to pursue as part of its institutional operations. (See Sample Board Resolution below.)

To register by board resolution, you must also submit your nonprofit's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Other documents may be requested at a later time. These are for internal use only. Organizations cannot be added to the Register without the appropriate documentation.

The submitted documents should also list the organization's name, current business address, contact person, charitable purpose, and year of creation. If this information is not included, it should be submitted along with the documentation, such as in a cover letter.

Licensure or accreditation documents may be submitted but are not required for inclusion on the Register.

Sample Board Resolution:

The Board of Directors of (name of nonprofit organization), in a regular meeting at which a quorum was present, reviewed the Iowa Principles & Practices for Charitable Nonprofit Excellence. We, the Board of Directors, hereby affirm that our organization is committed to being guided by the Principles & Practices and is actively engaged in good faith efforts to meet each of them.

This resolution was passed by a (majority/unanimous) vote of the Board of Directors its regular meeting on (date), and this Resolution has been recorded in the permanent minutes.

Signed by: _____________________________________________

On ___________________________________________________

For the Board of Directors___________________________________

Download the Board Resolution form.

Submit documentation in one of the following ways:

  • Email as attachments to:
  • Fax to: 319-335-7614
  • U.S. Mail:
    The Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center
    University of Iowa
    320 University Services Bldg.
    1 West Prentiss St.
    Iowa City, IA  52242
    ATTN: Register of Accountability