Crossroads Percussion

EIN: 81-5195392

As former members of the marching arts community (e.g., marching band, winter guard, drum corps), our board of directors is passionate about the proper training and culture of the marching activity in Iowa.

Crossroads Percussion and Crossroads Guard (collectively, Crossroads Indoor) are stable platforms to bring together the most passionate individuals in the region to make a difference in the activity. Collectively, our educational team has 70+ years of marching and teaching experience, and we do everything in our power to provide open access to this knowledge and expertise. In part, our mission is to be at the forefront of marching education in the Midwest region. In part, our mission is to provide a world-class caliber of instruction and performance opportunities which we had to travel outside of Iowa to experience.


Contact name
Travis Hattery
Contact title
Executive Director

131 N Hyland Ave #11
Ames, IA 50014
United States

Telephone number