2025 DonorPerfect Community Conference
Fine-tune your fundraising skills with effective tools and strategies to inspire meaningful connections with current and prospective supporters. DonorPerfect is hosting two days of free, virtual fundraising sessions led by nonprofit leaders, industry experts, and innovation specialists.
Session will help you:
- Create enduring bonds through long-term retention strategies
- Enhance your digital presence and online connections
- Craft messages that resonate, inspire, and deepen donor relationships
- Leverage nonprofit technology to connect with donors in new ways
- Network with corporate partners, foundations, and major donors
- Transform one-time donors into committed champions of your cause
- Build trust, communicate impact, and make compelling asks
- Use storytelling techniques that emotionally captivate your donors
- Track and interpret donor data to make informed decisions
Meet two of our scheduled experts:
- Mallory Erickson, nonprofit coach, creator of the Power Partners Formula, host of the What the Fundraising podcast, and author of What the Fundraising
- Floyd Jones, nonprofit coach, speaker, author, founder of BackBlack, and creator of the Nonprofit Marketing Club
Contact phone
Event sponsor
DonorPerfect, 4607 Library Rd, Ste 220 PMB 2026 Bethel Park, PA 15102