*From Surviving to Thriving: How to Fuel Passion and Prevent Burnout in Your Nonprofit


Workforce challenges are among the top concerns for nonprofit leaders, as highlighted by the 2024 Central Iowa Nonprofit Survey. In this session, we’ll tackle these challenges head-on by exploring how to boost employee retention and prevent burnout within your nonprofit organization. You’ll gain practical, actionable strategies to build a positive, motivating work environment where employees feel valued and supported. We’ll examine the key reasons employees leave, from burnout to toxic cultures, and provide proven retention strategies tailored to your organization’s lifecycle. By the end, you’ll walk away equipped with tools to reduce turnover, fuel passion, and cultivate a thriving, engaged team. 

Intended Audience: Executive Directors, Senior Managers, Board Members and other nonprofit leaders interested in creating a positive work culture

Session Facilitator: Jeri Royce, Knowledge Specialist, Nonprofit Management Institute at Arizona State University Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation

Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
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Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
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