18th Annual Nonprofit Summit of the Midlands


The Nonprofit Summit of the Midlands offers a day of networking and three timely breakout options, each focusing on a different group of sessions. The keynote speaker will be Liz Moore, current Board Chair for the National Council of Nonprofits, and immediate past Executive Director of the Montana Nonprofit Association. Her presentation is entitled “Change the Work: Rethinking Our Approach to Impact.”

Early bird tuition is available through October 1.

The full Summit agenda is here.

Note: The conference will take place at Embassy Suites La Vista Hotel & Conference Center, 12520 Westport Pkwy, La Vista, NE 68128.

Contact phone
Contact email
Event sponsor
Nonprofit Association of the Midlands

Embassy Suites La Vista Hotel & Conference Center
12520 Westport Pkwy.
LaVista, NE 68128
United States

Event status
See the event website for early bird and tiered rates