
Grinnell Mutual Group Foundation (GMG Foundation )

The foundation supports organizations involved with education, health care, safety, agriculture, community development, and civic engagement.

Stewart (Helen T. & Mildred) Trust

Scholarship awards to graduates of Grinnell- Newburg High School who are particularly interested in library science.

Wellmark Foundation

The Wellmark Foundation’s goal is to be a catalyst in bringing groups together to positively impact health within a community.

Application deadline

Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation

The corporation is organized to support and improve the oral health of Iowans.

Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs: Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund

The Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund provides short-term financial relief to those in the arts, cultural and creative industries most impacted by state disaster declarations, natural disasters, and other forms of emergencies. The progr

Holden (Roland & Ruby) Foundation

The Roland & Ruby Holden Foundation was established in 1993 as a private family foundation.  From its inception to 2014, the Foundation made grants of over $17 million to various entities, including major gifts to Highland Ridge, the Holden Com

Brownell Family Foundation

To provide private support to projects found acceptable by the trustees.

Campbell (John M.) Trust

The Trust's sole program consists of payment to or for benefit of low-income citizens of the city of Grinnell.

Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation

The foundation serves the community and enhances quality of life by helping pepople accomplish their charitable giving objectives; managing and preserving funds entrusted to them; and distributing investment earnings in the form of grants.

Cass (Myrtle) Trust

The trust's sole program is the distribution of net income: 30% to the trustees of Grinnell College for scholarships, 20% to the trustees of Grinnell Regional Medical Center, 50% to the world wide Church of God (now known as Grace Communion Internationa