The University of Iowa

Private Foundation

Sulentic (Nicholas) Charitable Foundation

Support only to the Waterloo Parks Commission, Boys and Girls Club of Waterloo, Blessed Sacrament Church, Iowa; Ursuline Academy, Texas; and Watkinson School, Connecticut.

Application Deadline 

Muscatine Health Support Foundation

Support of projects that will improve the community health and aid the growth and development of the medical care system in Muscatine County, IA.

Application Deadline 

Application address: Betty Anders, 209 Iowa Avenue, Muscatine, IA 52761; Phone: 563-264-6852

Clarinda Foundation

The foundation seeks to provide prospective donors an effective way to invest in the future of Clarinda, IA, and to maximize tax savings to the donors and their estates.

Application Deadline 

Madden-Mallory Foundation

Scholarships, community betterment, and handicap assistance.

Application Deadline 

For scholarship application, contact:

Madden-Mallory Scholarship Program
Atten: Superintendent
Corwith-Wesley Community Schools
408 SE Elm St.
Corwith, IA 50430

Telephone: 515-583-2304

Application forms are available from the school.

Submission deadline: N/A

Morrison (William) Trust

Grants are only given to governmental, public charitable, or educational institutions for free public benefit.

Application Deadline 

Schleiter (Frederick) Trust

Support only for Iowa State University Foundation, Ames, and University of Iowa Foundation, Iowa City.

Application Deadline