The University of Iowa

Public health

Wellmark Foundation

The Wellmark Foundation’s goal is to be a catalyst in bringing groups together to positively impact health within a community. MATCH grant funding focuses on sustainable initiatives — projects that continue after our grant funding ends — targeting access to and consumption of nutritious foods...

Application Deadline 
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Application materials are to be submitted to by the appropriate deadline. 

Delta Dental of Iowa Foundation

The corporation is organized to support and improve the oral health of Iowans. The foundation will provide funds to other 501(c)(3) organizations, governments, or academic institutions that are undertaking projects that support or improve the oral health of Iowans. The foundation will provide...

Application Deadline 

Funding opportunities include: 

  • Rethink Your Drink grants
  • Ignite and Innovation Grant Projects for spring and fall
  • Wellness Community Fund
  • Oral Health Fund
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nonprofit Support

Further information on each of the above and detailed Guidelines are here.


Iowa West Foundation

The mission of the foundation is to improve lives and strengthen communities for present and future generations. The foundation strives to provide leadership, create partnerships, leverage resources and serve as a catalyst in identifying and supporting community needs. The foundation has a...

Application Deadline 

The Foundation has three grant cycles per year. See the Application Process page for grant cycles, deadlines, and other details. 


Beck Memorial Trust

Support only to pre-selected organizations. Does not accept unsolicited requests for funds.

Application Deadline 

Iowa Economic Development

To help public health professionals determine if a federally funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administered by the Iowa Economic Development Authority can be of assistance.

Application Deadline 

Follow link provided for details on submitting letters of application. 

Fuld (Helene) Health Trust

The primary mission of the trust is to support and promote the health, welfare, and education of student nurses. The first priority of the trust is financial aid to nursing students. Acknowledging the increased complexity of and sophisticated knowledge required for health care delivery, the...

Application Deadline