The University of Iowa

Arts & culture

Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc.

The foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS, housing, human services, community development, senior citizens, minorities, economically disadvantaged people, and other areas.

Application Deadline 

Grant programs, focus areas, grant amounts, and deadlines vary. See the Request a Grant page for details and additional contact information.

See also Grants Guidelines.

Deadline: March 15


Pella Community Foundation

​Our basic purpose is to ​preserve the heritage and enhance the quality of life for the people of Pella by helping to transfer funds from the hands of people who wish to help others to nonprofit organizations that can do it most efficiently.

Application Deadline 

Funds are distributed through Board Directed Grants, Impact Grants, and the Garden Chapel Fund. The deadline for each is November 15 of each year. For details, see the Grants page on the organization's website. 

Premier Communications Foundation

The foundation supports hospitals and organizations involved with arts and culture, education, health, and community development.

Application Deadline 

Hubbell-Waterman Foundation

The Hubbell-Waterman Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Quad Cities by financially supporting areas of need in culture and the arts, early childhood education (pre-K to 12) and social welfare. We fund capital and operational grants in the Quad Cities area....

Application Deadline 

Guidelines and online application information is available on the How to Apply page of the organization's website. 

Application deadline is September 1 each year. 

FNNB Foundation

Giving to charitable, religious, literary, educational or other worthy institutions or organizations within Iowa.

Application Deadline 

Applications should be addressed to: Gary S. Kahn, 100 N Second Avenue West, Newton, IA 50208; Phone: 641-792-3010.

Applications should be submitted in letter form with a explanation of the intended use of requested funds. No telephone solicitations.

Submission deadline: None

Union Pacific Foundation

The foundation supports zoos and aquariums and organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, health, youth development, human services, community development, and leadership development.

Application Deadline 

Applications accepted June 1-July 31, 2021 

For application, timeline, and other details, see the Union Pacific Foundation Local Grants page.