The University of Iowa

*Proven Strategies for Connecting with Major Donors
Event Category 

$69 early bird rate; $89 regular rate

Charities’ dependence on wealthy donors is growing as giving at lower levels ebbs. Women continue to influence big giving and now wealthy millennial and Gen Z households are making their mark. How are big-gift fundraisers successfully cultivating donors? Are economic pressures causing any shifts in strategy? This 75-minute webinar will allow attendees to learn directly from fundraising leaders about the outlook for 2024 and how best to connect with wealthy donors in the year ahead.

This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

Thursday, February 8, 2024 - 1:00pm
1255 Twenty-third St. NW
Washington D.C., DC 20037
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Sponsoring Organization 
Chronicle of Philanthropy