The University of Iowa

*Philanthropic Conversations: Bringing More Value to Deepen Relationships
Event Category 

Free for members; $25 for non-members

According to research, nearly three-quarters of high net worth people believe having philanthropic conversations with their advisor (be it attorney, CPA, financial planner, etc.) is important and prefer the topic arise sooner rather than later in meetings. Many desire more discussion around personal values and charitable goals. The majority of advisors who do this say it has improved their business. Nonprofit gift planners also look for ways to be more donor-centric, knowing that stronger relationships with donors are the most beneficial to their organization.

This program will highlight the free, step-by-step philanthropy toolkit from the Stanford Center on Philanthropy & Civil Society (PACS).

Presenter: Michele Brock, MBA, CFRE. Brock is a board member of EIPGC and executive director of the Catholic Foundation in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. 

NOTE:  This program will take place at Mount Mercy University CRST International Graduate Center, 1650 Matterhorn Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Thursday, November 30, 2023 - 11:30am
PO Box 1163
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
Eastern Iowa Planned Giving Council
Sponsoring Organization 
Eastern Iowa Planned Giving Council