The University of Iowa

*From Narrative to Action: Leveraging Storytelling for Success in Communications and Fundraising
Event Category 

$45 for INA members (use code NCN) / $65 for nonmembers

The INA is partnering with the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits to bring Iowa’s nonprofit professionals this valuable webinar. In nonprofit communications, storytelling plays a crucial role in driving awareness, garnering support, and inspiring action. However, for small communication teams within nonprofits, crafting compelling narratives can be a daunting challenge, especially when operating as a "department of one." Simultaneously, leveraging the power of story-based marketing is key to driving donor engagement, securing support, and maximizing fundraising efforts.

See the event website for additional details. 

The presenter is Shereese Floyd, CEO of Witness My Life, a people and culture firm that partners with corporations and universities to create and implement women's leadership programs. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 9:00am to 11:30am
4104 Carlton Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Iowa Nonprofit Alliance
Sponsoring Organization 
Iowa Nonprofit Alliance