The University of Iowa

*How to Begin a Planned Giving Program With Limited Resources
Event Category 

Have you heard the terms planned giving, legacy giving and bequest? Are you aware we are currently in the greatest wealth transfer the United States has ever seen? Are you not sure how to incorporate planned giving opportunities into your fundraising appeals and not yet ready to add on new staff? So often, nonprofit leaders and fundraising staff get nervous about planned giving. Did you know that your nonprofit organization is potentially missing out on a great deal of charitable dollars by not talking about planned giving? Are you confused about where to start? If you can relate to these questions because you know it is really important but wouldn’t consider yourself an expert then this 90-minute interactive webinar is for you.

The presenter is Susan Kahan, fundraising and nonprofit expert. Susan will show you that even when you don’t have a dedicated planned giving fundraiser, you can start to build up your marketing messages to secure planned gifts for your organization. 

Approved for 1.5 CFRE points. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 - 2:00pm
1815 Purdy Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Sponsoring Organization 