The University of Iowa

*Grant Writing for Nonprofits 101: How to Write a Grant Application that Wins!
Event Category 


Writing grants is not just about the words you use or the statistics you use. It involves a combination of factors that combine to engage your grantmakers so that they say “Yes!” and award the grant to your organization. We will look at individual samples of previous applications and discuss how to strengthen them to be more competitive and more successful in securing grant awards. We will walk through the critical elements for cover letters,  emails, need statements, project descriptions, work plans and logic models, and budget to help get you started on writing a grant that wins!

Presenter: Diane H. Leonard, GPC, RST

Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 12:00pm
15227 Heritage Dr.
Clayton, NY 13624
DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services LLC
Sponsoring Organization 
DH Leonard Consulting