The University of Iowa

*Good, Better, Best - Telling your Story of Impact Through Program Design and Evaluation Tools
Event Category 


Creating a grant application in collaboration with the colleagues who will be implementing and reporting on the funded work is a surefire way to reduce the stress that grant funding can put on an organization. In this session, we will share tactics for how to engage your colleagues in your application process using program design and evaluation elements to strengthen your narrative and ensure that your grant reporting is stress-free once awarded. Session participants will leave with concrete, repeatable processes and steps they can use with grant and program teams during pre-award planning to develop competitive proposals and set the team up for less stressful reporting at the end of grant periods.

Instructor: Julie Paynotta, GPC, RSM

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 11:00am
15227 Heritage Dr.
Clayton, NY 13624
DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services LLC
Sponsoring Organization 
DH Leonard Consulting