The University of Iowa

*Get Your Board to Give Their Biggest Gifts and Help You Fundraise
Event Category 


Your board must lead the way in fundraising if your organization is going to fulfill its vision and have the impact everyone wants.  That means a thought-out, formal board solicitation process and a detailed plan for how to strategically involve board members in fundraising. Join Brian Saber in this nonprofit training on how to get your board to fundraise and get their biggest gift!

You will learn how to:

  • Create a board culture where the importance of giving and helping fundraise is clearly understood and embraced
  • Develop a board process that absolutely will raise the level of board giving
  • Educate your board on what it means to be involved in fundraising as a board member
  • Train your board on the art of soliciting gifts face-to-face
Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 2:00pm
6305 Naples Blvd.
Naples, FL 34109
Sponsoring Organization 