The University of Iowa

*Convert Supporters with Powerful Landing Pages
Event Category 

With great landing pages, your donors, volunteers and supporters are 10 times more likely to donate, sign up, register or engage with your nonprofit. In this session, we’ll share real-world landing page examples that increase conversions and what we’ve learned from studying hundreds of nonprofits and their landing page designs, including:

  • What a landing page is and why we should care.
  • The biggest landing page mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • How to build the best landing pages and landing page templates.
  • 13 ideas for landing pages every nonprofit should have.

Presenter: Jay Wilkinson, Founder and CEO, Firespring


Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 2:00pm
1201 Infinity Court
Lincoln, NE 68512
Sponsoring Organization 