The University of Iowa

*Boomer and GenX Mega-Donors are Driving Trends in Giving
Event Category 

A new generation of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers are playing a more prominent role among the nation’s biggest donors, the Chronicle’s Philanthropy 50, to be released March 5, shows. In this free online forum, we’ll share insights into the giving preferences and motivations of these donors so you can shape your outreach to wealthy individuals and plan for what’s ahead. We’ll explore topics such as:

  • Increased in interest in causes such as climate change, democracy, and social justice rather than traditional areas such as healthcare and education.
  • How the billionaire Charles Feeney, who gave away his entire fortune while he was alive, is influencing giving strategies.
  • Why many donors now eschew foundations in favor of giving vehicles that make it easy to support charities, business, and political organizations.
  • How the donor revolt on college campuses could spread to many other nonprofits.


  • Stephanie Ellis-Smith, Founder and CEO, Phīla Engaged Giving
  • Maria Di Mento, Senior Reporter, Chronicle of Philanthropy
  • Jim Rendon, Senior Writer, Chronicle of Philanthropy
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 12:00pm
1255 Twenty-third St. NW
Washington D.C., DC 20037
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Sponsoring Organization 
Chronicle of Philanthropy