The University of Iowa

*Year-End Strategies: Stand Out--and Raise More
Event Category 


This year, as the pandemic recedes and organizations rebuild, a successful giving season will be more important than ever. How can your organization grab donors’ attention ― and inspire generous giving ― in the final weeks of 2021? Learn how to craft a year-end strategy that sets your nonprofit apart, motivates giving, and can be adapted if circumstances change. This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

Find out more about learning objectives and other details on the event website.


Rachel Cyrulnik, Principal, RAISE Nonprofit Advisors

John Warner, Chief Development & Communications Officer, The Marine Mammal Center


Thursday, July 15, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm
1255 Twenty-Third St. NW
Washington DC, DC 20037
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Sponsoring Organization 
Chronicle of Philanthropy