The University of Iowa

Racial Equity Institute: Workshop Debrief April (Virtual)
Event Category 

Nonprofit Rate, $50; Corporate / For-Profit Rate, $100


Please note - this is only for individuals who have previously attended a Phase 1 two day workshop. Participants will review the concepts taught in Phase I and study them and their connection to each other more deeply. The lessons of each piece will be explored in relationship to REI’s analysis of structural racism. The goal is to connect all parts of the Phase I training to a common understanding and analysis of the problem of racism. It will include an analysis of the roots of racism and its contemporary manifestations. Participants will explore the meaning of each piece and its relevance to a vision for change. In more fully understanding the problem of racism, solutions present themselves, and people become more effective in their work. The challenge is to absorb the problem fully; specific diagnosis is more accurate, and specific interventions are more successful. 

 Participants will discuss one or more of the following:

  • How does the analysis explain our present circumstances?
  • How has racism remade itself in contemporary times?
  • Specifically, what does racism look like today?
  • Why is an organizing approach necessary to challenge or end racism?
  • What does an organizing approach look like?
  • What are the narratives of the dominant culture?
  • How do we understand the narratives better? What underpins them and inoculates generation after generation?
  • How would a new narrative address our organization’s/group’s work differently?
  • How do lake solutions begin and thrive in today’s world?
Friday, April 19, 2024 - 9:00am
1111 N. 13th St.
Ste. 213
Omaha, NE 68102
Nonprofit Association of the Midlands
Sponsoring Organization 
Nonprofit Association of the Midlands