The University of Iowa

*How to Craft an Annual Fundraising Plan in Uncertain Times
Event Category 


A savvy development plan is the bedrock of the best fundraising. It helps organizations hit or surpass goals, track results and change course if needed, and focus limited resources on activities that will bear the most fruit. But how can you plan for a full year now amid so much uncertainty?

This 75-minute webinar will explain how to set priorities, create a roadmap to achieve your goals, measure success, and allow for flexibility. See the event website for more details and a list of presenters. 

This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 1:00pm
1255 Twenty-Third St. NW
Washington DC, DC 20037
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Sponsoring Organization 
Chronicle of Philanthropy