The University of Iowa

*Craft an Annual Communications Plan That Pays Off at Year's End
Event Category 

$69 early bird rate

Many nonprofits raise the bulk of their annual fundraising revenue in the last few months of the year. But to get the best results, it’s essential to lay a strong foundation for the giving season all year long. Join us to learn how to create a smart 12-month outreach calendar, coordinate your messages on a variety of communication channels, and ensure no donors get overlooked. You’ll learn simple but effective tactics to personalize your outreach, strengthen ties with supporters, and boost giving.


T. Clay Buck, Founder, Tactical Fundraising Solutions

Lindsay McCreary, Director of Philanthropy Operations, La Jolla Country Day School

This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

Thursday, February 10, 2022 - 1:00pm
1255 Twenty-Third St. NW
Washington D.C., DC 20037
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Sponsoring Organization 
Chronicle of Philanthropy