$45 INA members; $90 not-yet members
Looking to build your problem-solving toolkit, develop a strategic approach, and drive meaningful change within your organization? Join us for an engaging, 2-hour training designed to transform your strategic approach by utilizing the "5 Whys."
You will learn:
- The 5 Whys: An interactive, interrogative technique based on "Root Cause Analysis," used to explore the reasons behind problems or issues
- How to move beyond the obvious symptoms of the problem to discover the root cause
- Mitigating the root cause by identifying processes that are not working well, or don’t exist
- Tips (and drawbacks) when using the 5 Whys
- The 5 Hows: A technique to develop deep and comprehensive solutions to a problem
Attendees will receive resources to implement the process with their own teams and organizations.
Speaker: Jeanine Wilson (SPHR, SHRM-SC). Jeanine owns Corporate Talent Advisors, a full-service HR and training consultancy.
Monday, June 17, 2024 - 2:00pm
4104 Carlton Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Iowa Nonprofit Alliance
Sponsoring Organization
Iowa Nonprofit Alliance