In today’s hyper-competitive fund-raising environment, your case for support must be clear and compelling, yet many organizations struggle to define and articulate theirs. Telling the right story and telling it in a powerful way is what ultimately drives people towards activism. In spite of how well-informed organizational leaders are on the key issues that their donors and supporters care about, finding the right medium and knowing how to talk about those issues can sometimes be more challenging than anticipated. This event will delve into how you can create a strong case for support, including how to:
- Break your organization’s case down into six key elements that convert
- Distill simple messages you can use to get major gift conversations
- Bring your leadership and board along in this process
Speaker: Andy Brommel, Managing Director, Communications, Campbell & Company
Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 1:00pm
1255 Twenty-third St. NW
Washington D.C., DC 20037
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Sponsoring Organization
Chronicle of Philanthropy